
Do not hesitate to reach out to any of the following services if you are in need of support.

Counselling (Students):

  • Counselling Services. In-person and virtual counselling options 5 days a week including wellness advising, same-day single-session counselling, group counselling and Indigenous student support.
  • The UBC Student Assistance Program is a free 24/7 counselling service, accessible anywhere in the world. The service is offered in multiple languages by phone, video-counselling, and more.
  • Our Counsellors in Residence have appointment times available, specifically to support students impacted by this incident.
  • More resources can be found at
  • IBPOC Wellness Mentors are trained students who are offering drop-in mentorship sessions both virtually and in person at the Wellness Centre.

Counselling (Faculty and Staff):

Chaplains at UBC:

  • It is not unusual to speak with a person of faith in the midst of a difficult time. This webpage provides contact information for Chaplains from many faiths at UBC.

Academic Concessions:

  • If you need support from your faculty for an academic concession, you can reach out directly to their academic advising office if you are comfortable in doing so.