Archives by date

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President’s Letter to Maclean’s Magazine

President’s Letter to Maclean’s Magazine

Professor Toope’s letter to the editor of Maclean’s magazine, in response to the recent article titled, ‘Too Asian’?

David C. Lam

Statement from President Professor Stephen J. Toope on the death of David C. Lam

President’s Letters to the University Community

Professor Stephen Toope issued two letters to the UBC community on 25 November 2010.

UBC-IIT Delhi Agreement Renewed

UBC-IIT Delhi Agreement Renewed

Professor Toope renewed a longstanding student mobility agreement between UBC and IIT Delhi.

FICCI Higher Education Summit Address

FICCI Higher Education Summit Address

Professor Stephen Toope addressed the Higher Education Summit on 11 November 2010.

2010 Fall Congregation

2010 Fall Congregation

Members of the UBC Vancouver campus and guest are currently celebrating Fall Congregation.