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2012 Spring Grad Event at Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall

2012 Spring Grad Event at Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall

Prof. Toope attends the UBC First Nations Longhouse Graduation Celebration held for this year’s Aboriginal grads

UBC at Universitas 21

UBC at Universitas 21

Dr. Karen Gardner receives the inaugural Universitas 21 Award for Internationalisation at U21’s AGM in Lund, Sweden

Op/ed: Building bridges from B.C. to Brazil

Building bridges from B.C. to Brazil; Ties being developed through student exchanges will provide a foundation for future relationships that benefit all Vancouver Sun Wed May 2 2012 Page: A13 Section: Issues & Ideas Byline: Stephen Toope and Arvind Gupta In our rapidly evolving global context, Western nations, including Canada, are asking the question “To […]