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Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending (Random House Canada, 2011)

Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending (Random House Canada, 2011)

Barnes is a truly great writer, but I do not think that this slim volume deserved the Man Booker Prize.  Characteristic of Barnes is the precise sketching of scene and character, the sense of wistfulness that accompanies all attempts to recreate (or at least to unearth) the past.  The central character, Tony, digs deep into […]

Alice Munro, Dear Life (McClelland & Stewart Doubleday Canada, 2012)

Alice Munro, Dear Life (McClelland & Stewart Doubleday Canada, 2012)

I think that Munro is, quite simply, the best writer that Canada has yet produced.  Her prose is tight but fluid, and her characters rich and complex within the narrative discipline required of the short story form.  Despite the extraordinary resilience of her mostly female protagonists, there is always something brittle and fragile on the […]

Vikram Seth, From Heaven Lake (Vintage Departures, 1987)

Vikram Seth, From Heaven Lake (Vintage Departures, 1987)

Seth is best known as the author of the sprawling novel of Indian family life, A Suitable Boy, which I loved despite its messiness.  From Heaven Lake is an entirely different beast, a taut travelogue of a hitchhiking journey through China in the early 1980s.  Seth was a graduate student in China, and near the […]