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$1 million in new scholarships for UBC athletes

$1 million in new scholarships for UBC athletes

BC graduate and noted philanthropist Ken Woods has donated $1 million to establish a scholarship for gifted athletes.

President’s Message to the UBC Community on Respectful Debate

President’s Message to the UBC Community on Respectful Debate

Prof. Arvind Gupta articulates UBC’s standpoint on the free, respectful expression of ideas.

UBC receives $1.7 million from Canada Foundation for Innovation

UBC receives $1.7 million from Canada Foundation for Innovation

Fourteen projects at the University of British Columbia have received a combined $1.7 million in federal funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

Peter A. Allard, Q.C., donates $30M to UBC Faculty of Law

Peter A. Allard, Q.C., donates $30M to UBC Faculty of Law

Largest gift ever to a Canadian law school, with UBC Law to be renamed in his honour

President’s Twitter Town Hall

President’s Twitter Town Hall

The recap of Professor Gupta’s Jan. 29 Twitter Town Hall.

2015 President’s Awards for Staff: Call for Nominations

2015 President’s Awards for Staff: Call for Nominations

Nominate outstanding UBC staff for the President’s Service Awards for Excellence & President’s Staff Awards (Vancouver campus) Learn more.

Student Leadership Conference

Student Leadership Conference

UBC President Arvind Gupta spoke to 1,200 students today at the Student Leadership Conference, one of Canada’s largest student-run conferences. Read his speech.

The University of the 21st Century: A Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation.

The University of the 21st Century: A Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation.

Watch UBC President Arvind Gupta give a talk in a special Green College lecture series on Ideas of the University in the Early 21st Century.

Love, Data and the Economics of Happily Ever After

Love, Data and the Economics of Happily Ever After

What happens when a seasoned journalist meets up with a professor of economics to talk about sex, money and marriage? A conversation you never want to end.

Study Looks to Repurpose Cancer Drug for Alzheimer’s

Study Looks to Repurpose Cancer Drug for Alzheimer’s

UBC-led research will examine whether it can slow disease’s progression

Canadian Business Magazine Interview

Canadian Business Magazine Interview

UBC president Arvind Gupta on academic innovation

Training the Next Generation of Indigenous Healthcare Staff
Synapse of Discovery

Synapse of Discovery

Discover how UBC’s new brain centre connects clinical care with research to find cures for brain disease.

UBCO TV From Here Special – Arvind Gupta

UBCO TV From Here Special – Arvind Gupta

UBC’s thirteenth President and Vice-Chancellor Arvind Gupta sits down to talk about the Okanagan campus