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Dialogue with Karma and Wade Davis

Chan Centre, UBC, June 22, 2017 His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Mr. Wade Davis, colleagues, students and guests Pleased to see so many people here today at the Chan Centre for this important dialogue I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. […]

Pulse: UBC President’s Update

Download: Pulse – UBC President’s Update (PDF)

Presidential Task Force – Final Update and Thank You

On January 29, 2017, I announced that we had established a task force to determine what assistance could be offered to those affected by the executive order signed by US President Trump on January 27th (“Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”).  The task force was positioned to undertake a rapid […]

Watch again: Professor Ono on UBC’s Next Century

On February 15, Professor Santa Ono took to Facebook to discuss the strategic planning process and answer your questions. The live event was moderated by UBC Journalism Senior Instructor Kathryn Gretsinger and included special guests Professor Linc Kesler, director of the UBC First Nations House of Learning and senior advisor to the president on Aboriginal Affairs, […]

Statement on Sexual Assault Policy Process and Reconciliation

Last week I met with the UBC Steering Committee on Sexual Assault. In reflecting on our conversation, I thought it important to write to the UBC community to reaffirm my fundamental commitment to the prevention of sexual assault, and to the Sexual Assault Policy process. Decision-making through a trauma-informed lens, dedicated supports and resources, clear […]

UBC reinstates John Furlong as keynote speaker

UBC President and Vice-Chancellor Santa Ono announced today the reinstatement of John Furlong as the keynote speaker at the university’s 18th Annual ZLC Millennium Scholarship Breakfast on February 28, 2017. The university had previously cancelled Mr. Furlong’s keynote address. President Ono offered the following statement:  UBC and I have apologized for our handling of this […]