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November 2018

  Welcome to the November 2018 issue of Letter to the Board, a regular communication from myself to members of the UBC Board of Governors, issued in advance of regular meetings of the Board. Highlights Strategic Plan Earlier this month, I hosted a roundtable discussion with prominent UBC supporters, alumni, and community leaders to discuss […]

September 2018

September 2018

  Welcome to the first issue of Letter to the Board, a regular communication from myself to members of the UBC Board of Governors. As I mentioned in my remarks at the June board meeting, Board members have asked for more communication from the University. To serve this need, I have started this regular e-newsletter, […]

Statement from Professor Ono on UBC’s commitment to Indigenous people and communities

On behalf of the University of British Columbia, I want to extend my condolences to the family of Colten Boushie. I also acknowledge that the events surrounding the trial and verdict have caused considerable distress for many Indigenous people, including our faculty, staff and students, and many others. At the University of British Columbia, we […]