2015 ZLC Millennium Scholarship Breakfast

Millennium Scholarship Breakfast 2015Below are Professor Gupta’s remarks at the 2015 ZLC Millennium Scholarship Breakfast * Please check against delivery.

I am now past the seven month mark in my tenure at UBC and it has been an amazing experience so far!

Of course I expected to meet many students, staff and faculty but I never could have predicted how dedicated and enthusiastic UBC Alumni are – and it is great to be here with so many of you today.

This event is a must on any UBC President’s calendar and I have been looking forward to it for a long time.

One of the great things about being here is that I have an opportunity to recognize Marty Zlotnick. Marty is a great example of that tremendous alumni passion I mentioned and I want to thank him very much – not just for sponsoring this event – but for his many years of service to UBC Athletics, his ongoing financial commitments to our student athletes and the pure inspiration he provides all of us.   Marty is living proof that many of our MOST passionate alumni are from Athletics.

The students in the room are well represented by Marty and the more than 10,000 former Thunderbirds who have worn the Blue and Gold. Upon graduation you will join a very supportive group.

In addition to a passion for UBC, it is the financial support that events like this breakfast garner that helps us keep the best and brightest student athletes in Canada and at UBC. Your participation today enables us to provide world-class facilities and top-tier coaches – and I am pleased that UBC will again match the funds raised from this event today.

And nothing says success better than winning. Behind me are the five championship banners that UBC Athletics has captured this year, solid proof that we have some of Canada’s best athletes at UBC.

And when I say “best” I also include brightest. One of my most memorable moments so far as President came in November when I hosted my first Academic All Canadian Breakfast.  There I had the privilege of meeting 149 of our varsity athletes who have maintained an academic average of at least 80% while a member of a Thunderbird team.

This is a tremendous accomplishment considering the effort required for success in each of those disciplines. I was truly inspired as I met each of the athletes, learned more about them, and saw the pride on their coach’s’ face. One of the best represented teams at the event was the Cross Country and Track and Field program, with over 25 All Canadian athletes. And I recall thinking that success in the classroom and on the track comes with determination and a never-quit attitude.

If you met the coach, Marek Jedrzejek, you’d understand why those students are so successful.Marek arrived in Canada over 30 years ago. During the 1982 European Track and Field Championships in Athens, where he was coaching the Polish team, Marek defected.

In doing this he was forced to leave his family behind in Poland and spend eight months in a refugee camp before landing in Vancouver. With little English skills, he worked in an Okanagan lumber yard before being reunited with his family in the Lower Mainland.

Soon after, Marek became a volunteer coach at SFU and numerous opportunities later landed at UBC in the mid-1990s. He became the Thunderbird’s head coach in 2001.
This past fall, the Women’s Cross Country team captured its third consecutive N.A.I.A. Championship.

Later this spring, following the Track and Field season, Marek will retire – having coached athletes to National and World Championships, the Commonwealth Games and 2000 Olympics.

What a story of perseverance, drive and determination. That spirit is what we are celebrating together here today.  UBC and our student athletes are so lucky to have you here today Marek. Thank you and congratulations on building a better life for you and your family in Canada – and for making a difference in the lives of so many UBC athletes.

Marek’s story is one of many I have learned about since July as I have taken time to gain a better understanding of the role Athletics plays in UBC’s campus life – both here and in the Okanagan. The conversations I have had with many of you in this room, our staff, students and coaches and alumni around the world have been highlights during my first eight months.  This also includes the conversations I have had with those who have been critical of the program in recent years.

This active listening has enlightened me to the reality of what a catalyst sport can be for achieving a Canadian dream; for preparing community leaders; and for inspiring us to never quit when it comes to achieving our dreams.

One need look no further than today’s keynote speaker, Christine Sinclair, to see this in full effect.

And while I know we have more to do in the years ahead to make UBC Athletics everything we truly want it to be, I am very optimistic about the future.

Over the past eight months we have made progress together.We have concluded a landmark partnership with the Vancouver Whitecaps. Davis Cup Tennis is coming back next month. In January we announced another $1 million in new scholarships for student athletes – thanks to the incredible generosity of Kenneth Woods.  Ken could not be here today but I want to recognize him today and thank him for his generosity.

And while we work to stabilize the Athletics budget, we also work to finalize significant contributions will help enhance our abilities in various sports and push UBC athletics to a higher level.

And what great timing for all of this – on the eve of our plan to celebrate the 100th anniversary of UBC’s first graduating class starting later this year.Athletics are a rich part of UBC’s 99 year history – and they are crucial to our future success.

As your President, I am committed to doing everything I can to help develop partnerships with the private sector, donors and sports organizations.
I will work with you to promote innovation and I will do my best to afford all stakeholders a voice.  This means an ongoing commitment to listen and leverage lessons learned in the past.

And most of all, I will work to honour your trust and dedication to UBC Athletics.

Thank you for your continued support of UBC and the Thunderbirds.