President’s Academic Advisory Committee

The Academic Advisory Committee engages distinguished faculty in conversation and debate about topics key to the research and learning mission of UBC.

The committee includes representatives from both campuses and meets approximately three times a year. Members excel in research with a shared commitment to teaching, learning and collaboration. The Committee’s feedback, together with that of UBC’s academic leadership, will help shape the development and implementation of strategic projects over the coming years.

Membership will be rotated on a yearly basis to ensure that as many faculty members as possible have an opportunity to participate in meaningful conversation with President Gupta, and with each other.

UBC President’s Academic Advisory Committee

  • Jo-Ann Archibald – Associate Dean for Indigenous Education; Professor, Educational Studies
  • Paul Beaudry – Professor, Vancouver School of Economics
  • Neil Cashman – Professor, Brain Research Centre
  • Nicolas Coops – Professor, Forest Resources Management Department
  • Brett Finlay – Professor, Microbiology/Biochemistry
  • John Klironomos – Professor, Biology; Associate Dean of Research, I.K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences
  • Virginie Magnat – Associate Professor, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, UBC Okanagan
  • Siobhan McElduff – Associate Professor, Latin literature and Roman culture
  • Ara Norenzayan – Professor, Psychology
  • Sally Otto – Professor, Zoology; Director, Centre for Biodiversity Research
  • Ed Perkins – Professor, Mathematics
  • Sandra Robinson – Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Sauder School of Business
  • David Wilkinson – Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • Steve Withers – Professor, Chemistry