Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce an exciting opportunity to increase support for student learning, international engagement and student accessibility at UBC. The Association of University Colleges of Canada (AUCC) has announced the launch of the call for proposals for the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships.

As an AUCC member, UBC is eligible to submit two proposals for up to $500,000 for projects of two to four years.   In addition to helping develop the next generation of global leaders and local community builders, the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships present an opportunity for our talented students and faculty in Vancouver and Kelowna to partner with organizations in other Commonwealth Countries and create access to new international learning opportunities.

Projects comprised of one or more of the three components are invited to be proposed:

  • Canadian graduate students to receive scholarships to study or conduct research for periods of three months to one year in a Commonwealth country;
  • Canadian undergraduate or graduate students to undertake internships for periods of three months to one year in a Commonwealth country; and
  • Students from Commonwealth countries to receive scholarships at Canadian institutions at the masters or doctoral level.

We know that our UBC students have a strong track record of visioning and leading innovative initiatives on our campus – and beyond.  We all benefit from a diverse student community and the many partnerships that exist between UBC and organizations around the world.

Many of you are deeply engaged and interested in local and global issues of importance.  In this light, we are inviting the UBC academic community to develop and submit proposals that span across disciplines, departments, and campuses for consideration.

Interested applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent directly to the Vice President’s (Students) Office by October 27th at  Letters of intent will be received and reviewed by a Selection committee (membership and process for this committee is currently being considered).  On November 3rd we will respond to the submissions with an invitation to develop a full proposal for submission to AUCC.

Please refer to the attached document for more information on the scholarships and UBC submission process. If you have any questions, please contact Katherine Beaumont, Go Global at  For more information on the Association of University Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships, click here: AUCC Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships.

Yours truly,

Arvind Gupta
President and Vice-Chancellor

Louise Cowin
Vice-President, Students