Statement on Sexual Assault Policy Process and Reconciliation

Last week I met with the UBC Steering Committee on Sexual Assault. In reflecting on our conversation, I thought it important to write to the UBC community to reaffirm my fundamental commitment to the prevention of sexual assault, and to the Sexual Assault Policy process. Decision-making through a trauma-informed lens, dedicated supports and resources, clear process, and education about sexual violence are all key components to enhancing the safety and security of our community. Cultivating these components remains a top priority for the university as an institution, and for me as its president.

I also wish to reaffirm my and the university’s fundamental and unwavering commitment to the core principles of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. The university’s relationships with Indigenous peoples are tremendously important to the institution and to me. I will work tirelessly to deepen and strengthen those relationships in the years to come, and will work personally to support and learn from those members of our community who have deep expertise in and lifelong commitments to reconciliation.

Professor Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor

The UBC Steering Committee on Sexual Assault appreciated the opportunity to meet with Professor Ono, and has issued its statement here.