Professor Toope is Co-Chair of the 2010 United Way of the Lower Mainland Campaign

Professor Stephen Toope is a Co-Chair for the 2010 United Way of the Lower Mainland (UWLM) Campaign Cabinet.

The UWLM Campaign Cabinet is a group of senior volunteers recruited from every sector of our community to lead UWLM’s annual campaign. Campaign Cabinet members donate their time and talents to support UW’s annual campaign and help make Metro Vancouver a stronger, healthier and safer place for everyone to live. Professor Toope will Co-Chair the 2010 cabinet along with Kevin Layden, President and Chief Executive Officer of Wesbild Holdings Ltd.

UBC has been involved in UWLM’s Loaned Representative program for over twenty years. This program provides members of the UBC Vancouver campus community with the chance to gain a significant professional development opportunity, an excellent way to learn about the community surrounding and supporting UBC, and to learn about the importance of social responsibility. Once Loaned Representatives return to UBC’s Vancouver campus, they’re ready to take on greater challenges and enrich our community through the experience they gained during United Way’s annual campaign.

UW and UBC have collaborated for many years to examine social issues and identify solutions with a focus on prevention. Through the provision of research funding and financial support for local agencies that sustain children and seniors, UBC can be proud that its partnership has resulted in positive change in our community.