Renewed Mobility Agreement for HKU and UBC

On 8 October 2010, Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice Chancellor and President of Hong Kong University and Professor Stephen Toope signed a renewed mobility agreement between the two universities.

Since the original student mobility agreement was formalized in 1991, this program has allowed more than 200 students to travel between the two institutions for study and research. In the past five years, 98 UBC students have traveled to HKU and 69 HKU students have come to UBC.

In addition to student mobility, UBC and HKU share several initiatives: The Pacific Education and Research Liaison in Cardiovascular Research and Neuroscience, a collaborative medical research project; microbiology and immunology research, involving scientists from UBC, HKU and other universities, to investigate the biology of the Influenza A virus and the SARS virus; and a joint legal program that allows students at UBC and HKU to participate in a one-year exchange program. Students who successfully complete the program can pursue the professional qualifications required to practice law in both Hong Kong and Canada.