Prof. Anne Gorsuch, Deputy to the President: University Affairs.

anne-gorsuch-150x150Prof. Anne Gorsuch serves as Deputy to the President: University Affairs. She provides high-level strategic support and advice for the President, working closely with other senior administrators, deans, faculty, and students to support the development and implementation of academic strategy. She also facilitates communication between UBC Faculties, Departments and the President’s Office. Prof. Gorsuch is committed to engaged academic governance and excellence in research and teaching.

An internationally recognized historian of the Soviet Union, Prof. Gorsuch received her Bachelor of Arts from Brown University in 1982 and her PhD in History from the University of Michigan in 1992. She is an expert in the cultural and transnational history of the Soviet Union in the twentieth century. Her work has focused on processes of cultural exchange and encounter; the history of tourism and mobility; the cultural history of international relations, and the history of Soviet-Cuban relations.